
Getting Further Faster Community of Practice

Amplifying, accelerating, and sustaining community coalitions’ efforts to advance health equity and prevent chronic disease

The Getting Further Faster (GFF) Community of Practice connects and supports community, public health, and health care organizations working to address social and community conditions that affect health. It was created to amplify, accelerate, and sustain the efforts of community organizations and coalitions working in under-resourced communities that are disproportionately burdened by chronic disease and related risk factors. 

We “get further faster” through
collaboration and multisector partnerships.

Evidence shows that improvements in health and well-being and significant reductions in chronic disease are possible when different sectors work together to strengthen the foundation of community health.

Who is the Getting Further Faster Community of Practice for?

We welcome public health departments of all sizes and demographic make-up, healthcare, community-based organizations and coalitions, and policymakers.

Learn from peers and current initiatives 

From policy development to strategic communications, the GFF Community of Practice enables community, public health, and healthcare organizations and coalitions to connect, learn from one another, and develop and sustain partnerships across sectors. 

Access resources to build your organization’s capacity 

The GFF Community of Practice’s free resources and supports include opportunities to share challenges, insights, and success stories with peers through live events and asynchronous peer learning, evidence-informed resources and tools for capacity building, policy development and implementation, impact measurement, and sustainability, and cross-sector networking with community, public health, and healthcare organizations.